Christmas vacation is approaching, although I have none of my known signals that would alert me to this time of the year. There is no snow on the ground and no frost on our car in the morning (a lot of dew, but no frost); there is no Christmas music playing in the non-existent mall; I have not been wearing 2 layers of pants, shirts or socks (but rather trying to find a way to cut DOWN the layers I am wearing); and certainly no Christmas cookies being made in my oven. That being said, it’s somewhat hard for me to assimilate what my head knows to be the date with what the rest of my senses haven’t yet caught on to yet: Christmas is right around the corner! This year it’s not the presents I’m looking forward to or even the food (ugh, again depressing), but rather, it’s the 3 blissful weeks when I will not have to think about Montessori! Oh sure, I have to grade 4 classes worth of exams over that time and write 8 exams, but that can be banged out in 2 days. For the rest of that time I’m going to enter a period of blissful ignorance during which I will not think about being a teacher and controlling 4 separate groups of youth. If you have not guessed it, I AM READY FOR A BREAK!
I am, however, enjoying remembering these last two hectic, annoying, frustrating, maddening weeks and analyzing them, deciding what I will do differently next semester and what I liked and will keep. This includes everything from discipline policies (mine are getting a way strict overhaul, no more Señorita-nice-Leah!), in-class activities and homework assignments. It’s a somewhat bittersweet review, but it reminds me that I did learn some things in that ridiculous program that I spent a lot of money on and that I am, actually, qualified to do this job, regardless of the times in my head I fantasize about smacking a kid with their own notebook. First year teaching is supposed to be hard. Dang, you know, I really like easy things too, what’s with all this hard – is – good – for – you life lessons?!
This is the last week of classes for the high school (2 of my 4 groups of kids) and then they have a week of exams (oral and written with me – aha, take that!). They don’t return to school until the 26th of January! (A mixed blessing because that means that until that date, I’ll be receiving half of my salary…) My 6th and 7th graders have class until the 11th of December, their exam the 14th and then pageant practice until the 18th. They’ll be putting on various versions of the Mary and Joseph’s trek to find lodging. I am officially done Dec 16th and don’t have to return until Jan 7th. One of the few occasions in my life when I am actually moved to say ‘hallelujah!’
We had a small birthday dinner for Pako this Saturday (he turned 24 on Nov. 25th, the little guy!) and a bunch of family came, including Pako’s pseudo-grandpa Jim, our Canadian friend who has been indescribably helpful to me in the moving and getting settled into a different country/culture process to me. As is tradition here, we had too much food and none of it was served even remotely close to on time. The first course was chicken tamales, which were DELICIOUS. Those were sent down by Aunt Pachita, who was feeling ill and thus didn’t come to the party. The second course was sliced jicama and cucumber, covered in lemon juice, salt and, of course, salsa. Then there was grilled fish (Sierra and some other huge fish that I can’t remember the name of) served with Mexican rice, refried beans and (duh) warmed corn tortillas. Then there was grilled beef (Carne Asada) with various salsas, requisite tortillas and a side salad. And let’s not even begin to forget the excruciatingly sweet cake and ice cream combo. Needless to say (but I’ll say it anyway), I went to bed with a stomachache. The party was pretty low-key in that the music was kept at a decibel that still allowed for casual conversation and no one made me sing. In fact, it was decided that as I am not the newby to the family anymore, I don’t have to sing at Christmas! That honor/burden falls on Pako’s cousin, Yair’s, girlfriend, Fabiola. Poor girl, her own boyfriend isn’t even going to warn her! I will, however, offer to accompany her as I’ve been in her position and it is embarrassing at best, though moderately mortifying is a better description. I’m just glad that I’m no longer the newb!
That’s all for now as I have a lot of grading to do and would like to go to the beach today as it looks like it maybe cloudy! (haha, who’d have thought that I would ever think like that?!) Pako’s just rolled out of bed (2 hours later than me, man that kid can sleep!) and so the day has officially begun! Happy beginning of the official Holiday season to you and yours! Keep all of your appendages crossed that the job fairy visits Pako soon! Oh and happy birthday to my lovely Gina, who also turned 24 this week! And Hi to my Grandpa Leo, who may or may not be reading this blog!
love to all!
PS. No meaningful really pictures today (except the one of the skittles, obviously), just me, playing with Tequila and his cousin Max, a smaller, even more neurotic and much higher pitched Chihuahua belonging to Aunt Lucy. Plus one of Pako and Teki because I think it’s cute!