Today is my last day in Minneapolis and I am doing the regular last minute-y kinda stuff.. you know, going to see a movie, checking out the art car parade, freaking out mentally, you know, the usual.
To all of you that came to my thing (who knows what to call it) at Saffron: THANK YOU! It was so much fun
I'm feeling sort of numb today, can't really say that I feel super excited or sad... more like I can't believe this moment has actually arrived and I'm choosing to deal with it mentally on a different day... like tomorrow... when I have to say goodbye to my parents super early in the morning and lose it... It might hit me then. For the moment, I'm just thinking about getting all of my stuff into my suitcases (I fit all of my JUNK into 2 suitcases, can you believe it?? My mom gives me the option to bring a 3rd and I turn her down... what has happened to me? When did I become so frugal? Gross.) and hoping, crossing my fingers, that it's under the requisite 50 pounds. The nice thing is that you're allowed 2 carry-ons and they have a weight limit of 40 lbs each, only 10 lbs less than a full sized suitcase... who thought that one up airline geniuses?
I'll update as soon as I can breathe in Zihua, which might not be until after I've had orientation at my new school on the 31st of July. Besides, then I will have all sorts of awesome comparisons to make between the US-Mexico school systems. All you future or current teachers can either be super jealous or really feel my pain :)
Love to all y muchos saludos!

This is me today ---------------------->
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