Later on Sunday than usual, but here I am nonetheless! In one week from today, I will be picking up my lovely parents from the airport and helping them settle in to their apartment for the month of February :) That being said, that means that this week will be busy, busy, busy! Not only am I doing my best to have all 4 of my classes completely planned for the month of February (I am 1.5 classes done!), but also the inevitable total overhaul/cleaning of the apartment must take place. Now they may say that it’s not necessary, or not to worry about it, but we all know I’ll do it anyway. Now you might think that since my lovely fhubby is no longer employed, this would lessen the stress on me… but you would be wrong. When I clean, I like for things to be done my way. It’s not that he’s not helpful, it’s just that I am slightly anal. I know you’re all shocked and left somewhat breathless from the great collective gasp that was uttered, but that is, actually, how I am. Go figure.
This was Pako’s first full week of unemployment, and I wouldn’t say he totally enjoyed it, but I certainly know that he didn’t NOT enjoy it (what with all the free time to go surfing)
Wednesday night Petra, Pako and I attended a party in honor of the 4th anniversary of the passing of our good friend Jim’s wife, Betty.
On Friday, the editor in chief of Another Day in Paradise (an English language magazine published here in Zihua) visited Montessori and she, an associate of hers, Jeanne and I dreamed up a project for the middle schoolers. I don’t know much about it (except that Jeanne designated me the coordinator before I arrived at the meeting :-$ ). It will deal with taking care of the environment, probably focusing on the responsible consumption (of liquids in plastic bottles) and how to take care of the world we live in. My tentative idea is to parley the presentation into a recycling program at the school where students deposit their plastic bottles into a different receptacle and then someone drops them off at the recycling plant (here you are responsible for hauling your own recycling – but not garbage – which unfortunately results in it not happening very often). The presentation will be on the 16th of February, so if you’ll be in town, come on down to Montessori and help me whip the kids into a green frenzy!
Saturday morning Petra left for Acapulco to visit her mom and Pako and I went to play catch at
I’m including a bunch of pictures this week because I didn’t have time last week. The picture of me drinking a Sol is from the Packers’ last stand (and before Pako’s contract ended, obviously.. now I’m back to drinking water). The food is when I made a delicious creamy tomato gnocchi dinner one night when no one else was home. Surfing is from last weekend and this weekend. Note the super pretty green and blue water. I saw my very first whale that day (only about a football field out to sea, but it still counts!). Then just random pretty beach.
Until next week, cuidense mucho, se les quiero!
OOOOH PS: my friend Sameh Wadi, owner and head chef of Saffron Restaurant and Lounge in Minneapolis is on Iron Chef tonight, battling Iron Chef Morimoto… Check your local listings for times! Go Sameh! I can’t wait to go to Saffron when I get home in June!
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