Sunday, April 18, 2010

Puppy Chow! Yum!!

Hey All,

Just a short update this week because last week I was lazy and posted on Wednesday. Not a whole ton has happened since then, but we'll see...

I have been looking for powdered sugar ALL over Zihua for about two weeks. For those of you who know Zihua, this is weird because we have all seen it at Comercial Mexicana (owned by the Costco company and my go-to store) and Bodega (owned by Walmart - EW - my 'only go to in an emergency because Sam Walton and fam are evil and they don't need my money' store). Well, I couldn't find it at la Comer and so I asked and two people looked at me as if I had asked for frog's legs. Then I went to Bodega (ew) and had the same experience. I checked the other little supermarkets and scoured Waldo's (dollar store, hugely amusing) to no avail. I wanted to make puppy chow (the human snack, not actual dog food) and was being thwarted in my efforts. FINALLY, yesterday I found it in la Comer, no thanks to ANY of the CM workers, just by luck, wandering down a random aisle. YES! So this morning I made puppy chow... apparently not a great idea as I haven't stopped eating it yet... but it's the small pleasures in life... and life is too short.. and any other cliche that will help me justify my vice of chocolate! (Pako likes it too, shockingly enough).

Went back to the Tech yesterday. I had all of 7 show up and then 2 left at 9:50am. Needless to say, it was a pretty laid back class. It was fun to be back; apparently I really did miss my kids over break and didn't even realize it. How strange. The class went quickly and there are only 4 more Saturdays


All of the above was written about a week ago... turns out, I'm tired! Those of you who know me, know I'm NOT a good sleeper. Not even close. I have not been sleeping well for about 3 weeks and it's catching up. Not to worry folks, I've been here before and most probably (ugh) I'll be here again. The good news is that I'm exceptionally good at reading myself and not pushing past my limit. Hence me staying in bed ALL Sunday and not writing blogs.

What has happened in the last couple of weeks?

We had that big earthquake and since then the mornings and nights have been quite cool, dropping down to 60s again. It's the beginning of the rainy season (though it hasn't rained yet), so it's strange that it's actually getting colder... It's too good to be true, which means, of course, that it can't last.

I managed to avoid giving myself a brain aneurysm when my boss (Ricardo) totally forgot that I was giving an exam and not only scheduled a guest speaker during my class, but forgot to make copies of my exam after me reminding him for 3 days straight. I just smiled and moved my exam back a day, so that I had time to do everything I needed to do. I didn't even swear at him in my head. I tell you, I think I'm growing up.

Pako and I talked to his friend, Juan Carlos, aka 'el chef', who may be handling the food for our wedding. He had lots of good ideas and advised us to look into somethings before making up our minds. When people find out that the wedding is still 10 months away, they laugh at us and look at us like we're crazy. Then they make a comment about me being from the States and being hyper organized and ahead of the game. Hmmm. I like to call it - not procrastinating till the last minute because I prefer to avoid becoming a bridezilla, but if you want to call it hyper-organized, go right ahead. I will just direct my bridezilla-ness your way. Get ready.

Pako continues to distribute beer, a fact that makes both of us very happy! His contract may or may not be up next week (we're not sure), but if it's the case that he's downsized again, at least we got 5 full weeks out of them this time. We're just wearing them down until they have to hire him full time because it's too much paper work to hire and fire and re-hire. He's also been playing a lot of soccer with his co-workers, which makes him happy and also those coworkers who happen to be on his time. Even the big boss kicks balls around with him. Turns out, he's a bit of a Sol soccer legend. A fact he has not let me forget. Big whoop.

May is rapidly approaching which means holidays and half days and then June! English classes are done by June 15th... WOOHOOOOOO! I'm done at the Tech on May 15th and I'll miss that class, but I will not miss waking up early 6 days a week! June and July mean all sorts of rapid-fire fun including seeing my extended family who will spoil me with home cooked food and goodies, my parents, a Madison reunion/wedding, my best friends in the whole world and my beloved VW beetle. I can't wait!!! Cheese curds! Caribou Coffee! Dairy Queen! YUM YUM YUM!!!

Ok, time for me to easy myself into bed and await what little sleep visits me. Don't worry, my friend Karen is going to be a doctor and I'm confident she'll figure out what's wrong with me. Or at the very least, she'll have access to the good sleeping pills :) (Kidding, kidding).

Love to all! Until next week (or the next time I have a spurt of energy!)


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