That's all for this week (it wasn't terribly eventful, as you can see) and I'll write again soon. Next week is the beginning of 2 weeks of AWESOME vacation aka get-the-visa-stuff-together-apply-for-MN-jobs-and-figure-out-that-Canada-trip time. I'm looking forward to it!
Take care! XOXO
Hola Blog-Readers,
That's right, I'm back! This is really me, here for your reading pleasure! It has been a long, tiring, exciting, emotional ride, but it appears that Pako and I have come through it unscathed and with some new jewelery (though at the moment, Pako's ring is on his right hand due to surfing accident that resulted in a swollen knuckle). I don't have the remotest clue as to where I left off, so I guess I'll start with a brief (VERY brief) recap of the wedding and since from my point of view.
I started to feel really excited and more relaxed (the latter emotion lasted for a unfortunately brief period) on the Friday before the wedding. Everyone made it on time, no lost luggage and I didn't have to go to the airport again for the foreseeable future (or so I thought).
The rehearsal dinner went smoothly, though I have a feeling that Pako's side of the wedding was mildly confused by the whole thing. It's not all that common to have a rehearsal, but I sure am glad that we did. Then a yummy dinner at La Perla. Then for the youngsters it was off to SeƱor Frog's for some mingling. The not-so-youngsters got together somewhere on La Ropa and presumably had a good time. Frog's, as it turns out, is rather lame before 11pm (and for the entire evening, sometimes), so getting there at 9 was interesting. It did afford time for my different groups of friends to mingle and let loose. My two bridesmaids, Pako and I left at 10:30pm (Frog's was still lame at that point) as we were exhausted and had mildly important things to do the next day.
The day of the wedding, bridesmaids and I breakfasted at Hotel Irma, which was yummy, and then headed up to the Condo that Pako and I had rented for our mini-moon.
We spent the day there getting ready with my mama, Lorena and the photog. I felt ok, not really relaxed (despite the amazing massage I got on the balcony), but slightly as if I were a bridesmaid at someone else's wedding! It didn't hit me until I had the dress on and then... GAAAAH!
The ceremony passed in rapid-fire fashion and I remember it, but not with great detail. Thank Gosh for Ms. Christy Tyler because I'll be able to jog my memory by looking at her photos! I remember almost crying as I walked down the aisle and my mom squeezing my hand and my dad making a joke. Then I remember this piece of hair that the wind insisted on blowing in my face. Then I remember reading the vows and signing and finger-printing a lot of pieces of paper (that originally had my mother labeled as Pat Laurent) and then smiling a lot for photos. I remember being really, really happy and in love and emotional and also really, really happy that it was over and time to party :)
The party consisted of me eating only white foods (in case I were to spill, not an uncommon occurrence) and then dancing A LOT! First I danced with Pako, then my dad, then with everyone, then I stood on a chair for what were to be the most terrifying moments of the whole day, then with some Old Fart and then with everyone and then with Pako.
Then the music turned off, most people left and I stretched out on a table to wait for Pako's last groups of friends to finish their tequila and head out. Pako and I got to our condo around 3:45 and we were T-I-R-E-D!!! I should mention that while I spent the day getting primped and hanging with my girls, Pako took care of ALL the last minute stuff, like making sure everything was delivered on time and setting up the hall, etc. Hugemongous KUDOS to him!
Our Torna Boda, or continuance of the wedding party from the night before, consisted of a party at Lorena and Tito's house. There was BBQed goat and chicken, tiritas, and rice.. oh and 11 cases of left over beer. Again, I had a great time, but the details are a little blurry. I remember introducing everyone to Tekila and him giving a summarily typical performance and trying to bite me multiple times. Crazy, but I still love him.
The next week consisted in lots of lunches/dinners with a lot of people I love.
It did not consist of the following things, however:
1. Sleep
2. Rest
3. Preparing for the inevitable return to school and the real world
4. Spending anytime alone with my new husband.
The Sunday before I went back to work, March 6th, was the first day that Pako and I spent all day together. I'm not the most informed person when it comes to wedding traditions, but I don't think that's exactly how it's supposed to go. Nonetheless, I had an amazing time with the family and friends that made it to the wedding and I am SO glad that they were able to share in Pako's and my day!
Going back to work was, in a word, ROUGH! I had missed the kids, but not enough to want to be there on that Monday morning rather than in my bed! Luckily, Jeanne had planned for this and had stuff for the kids to do that day, so I just got to answer questions about the wedding and get my bearings back.
I also started giving Technical English classes at a hotel in Ixtapa to two different groups of workers. It was interesting, but as I entered in the middle of the semester, somewhat discombobulated. Luckily, the students were all very welcoming and we picked things right up. An extra 4 hours a week doesn't sound like much, but it sure did knock me off the feet I had just gotten back under me! The hotel has recently announced that new investors are coming into the picture and for the moment, classes are canceled. I can't say I'm that broken up about it.
Also, Pako got a job working for Gas de Guerrero. It's only been a week, but so far he likes it. I like that he works from 9 - 6 M - F and 9 - 4 on Saturdays. Once his uniforms are ready, I'll post a picture! He gets to drive around in his car, listen to the radio and talk to different clients. Eventually it'll get boring, I imagine, but for the moment, he's pretty happy that he's out and about and talking to different people and not standing around a hotel, securing the non-existent guests.
The month after the wedding went QUICK. My parents left yesterday and it feels like they had just gotten here. Their last week, Pako and I spent as much time with them as possible, going to the beach or eating. Their time here was marked by a LOT of eating. I was conveniently "sick" and couldn't go to work on their last day and we had some coffee, walked around a bit, packed up their apartment and went to dinner at Lety's for their famous, ULTRA delicious coconut shrimp.
Today, Pako and I went to The Ranch where he surfed and I sat in the sun and read my kindle (AWESOME!). Then it was home for the inevitable, but still galling lesson-planning. I'll have to do a lot less on Sunday's now that Pako will be working and I won't have anybody to visit. Bittersweet.
On the upside, Semana Santa happens in two short weeks! Awesome! That seems like a manageable time period! I can do it!
Until next time, blog-readers-extraordinaire, take care! (Rhymes are always appreciated, as is alliteration... )
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