I'm a pretty big cry-baby normally, so you can imagine the state I've been in for the last week. Spontaneous crying (which I am albe to hide from everyone except Pako) and boughts of meloncholy and depression. Ho hum.
There are reasons that I'm leaving: two valid teaching licenses in Minnesota that need to be worked in order to be renewed, a pretty sweet job offer for me, more job offers and advancement opportunities for Pako, the chance to make enough money to travel between the two countries, student loans that INSIST on being paid (ugh), etc. Yes, there are reasons. Logically, Pako and I know that this is the best course for us and we've set it in motion, but dang! It hurts!
Things I will miss about Zihua:
1. MY HUSBAND (for at least the next couple of months)
2. My family here in Zihua (Jim, this means you, too)
3. Tekila (even though he is bat-shit insane and growls at me more often than not)
4. My students (they made every day at Montessori fun and interesting and I love them all)
5. The weather!!! I'm still here and I already miss the weather! Especially November - February weather. Uff.
6. The food. Coconut shrimp... oh. my. god.
The worst part about it is that it seems I'm destined to leave a huge chunk of my heart behind, no matter where I go. If I'm here, the list of things I miss goes on and on and once I'm in Minneapolis, I know the same will be true of Zihua. How is that fair?
Since today is the release of the last Harry Potter movie (SO excited about that), I will run with it and say that if I were a witch, my most treasured power would be that of apparition because it would mean that I could be at the birth of my new niece or nephew in Zihua one afternoon and back teaching school in Minneapolis the next day. Ahh, if only. I love Harry Potter, don't you?
The last few weeks of my life have FLOWN by and I have no idea where the time has gone! Seriously, how can I be leaving tomorrow, already?!? On Saturday, July 2nd, my seniors graduated from high school and officially entered the next phase of their lives. Good googly moogly, I am so proud of them! They are ALL off to college in different parts of Mexico including Colima, Toluca, Mexico City (at UNAM, no less!!), Cuernavaca, Morelia and Guadalajara. (Those places are in no special geographical order, that's just how they came into my brain). I'm at Lorena's house writing this while she and Pako and Teki are all still asleep, so I'll have to upload those pictures later. I am so excited to see where their journies take them (so cheesy, I know, but all of a sudden I'm a huge cheeseball)!
The rest of the time was spent planning Lorena's baby shower, gathering papers for Pako's consular interview (FINGERS CROSSED EVERYONE!) and mentally packing up my apartment. Also, Pako and I went to the beach a lot and ate at all of our favorite restaurants, one last time. Whirlwind. Busy, but enjoyable. Except for the crying parts, those aren't that great.
Here are some photos (carefully edited in order to NOT show any hint of the baby's sex - still, view at YOUR OWN RISK) of the baby shower. Including Lorena, Petra, Eliseo, Pako and Tio Amado, we were about 25 people. We played lots of mildly ridiculous games and the other mom's gave Lorena advice and then we ate barbecued chicken a la Eliseo and cake! It was an all around good time and Lorena lots of good stuff! Success!
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