Sunday, May 23, 2010

BRIGHT ... and early?

Good Morning Friends!

Here I am, 9:11 am, voluntarily out of bed and writing this blog. That means either a.) I got enough sleep or b.) Pako is snoring too loud! In reality, it's a combination of both, but mostly A. Normally, if Pako is snoring and I still want to sleep, a carefully (and gently) placed hand on his face will do the trick. :) The picture is of the boys at 9:42 am, as I am concluding this blog. Neither one of them has made signs of moving, except Tekila raised his head when I took the picture. Yesterday, I slept in until 9:15 and then rolled out of bed and made pancakes. It was weird not getting up and going to the Tech, but good weird! I met my friend Chandra and we walked downtown for a licuado and a visit. It's always nice to chat with her because I don't have to worry about grammar or syntax. She is going through the immigration process that I will have to go through next year and so far, it doesn't look fun. Pako picked me up after a bit and we went to order our invitations. I experienced a rather strong sense of deja vu because as we were discussing the details with the lady at the story, Pako wrote down abbreviations that were evident to both him and me, but probably not to anyone else - which is something that I dreamed about over a month ago. Exactly that, in fact. Pako wrote down abbreviations for my name, the date, the beach where the ceremony will be held! It was so strange. In my dream, I wasn't there to correct anything, so our invitations came out all wonky, in real life, I got lucky and was able to write out all the abbreviations. I'm sure I'll be anxiety ridden the night before we pick them up, but hopefully nothing will come of the dream!

This week went by quickly, thank goodness! All of my students can smell the summer vacation at the end of the tunnel (mixed metaphors, sorry) and they are chomping at the bit (ok, couldn't help myself)! So can I and so am I! There are 2 more weeks of classes (mas o menos) and then a week of review and exams!!! What's making it all the more difficult for me is that my high school classes have finished their books, which means that I am creating all of my materials, a very time consuming process, which should NOT be left until the end of the year! I think next year I will plan better and have a mid season book break so that we are finishing the book at the end. That way both my and student energy will still be high (supposedly) and focused (again, SUPPOSEDLY). Anywho, we're getting towards the end and nobody is complaining. Next Friday I'll be taking the high schoolers to el Refugio de Potosi, which I think will be awesome! (That is, we'll be going if Ricardo hasn't totally neglected the numerous reminders I have been leaving on his desk for the last month...). **El Refugio is a must see for all visitors to Zihua, expect mass trips if you make it for the wedding!

This past Wednesday, Pako and I opened a joint bank account at Scotiabank here in Zihua. We had a number of reasons for wanting to do this (not keeping all of our savings in an envelope in the apartment being a large factor), but mostly we did it now for immigration purposes. Later on, when we're asked to prove our love, they won't ask for pictures, cards or engagement rings, they want bank notes, titles and deeds in both of our names. Anyway, we went and opened an account, which turned out to be much easier than I had anticipated (all I needed was my passport and FM3 visa), and it was uber-romantic. We might have even held hands in the bank manager's office. I can't remember. The bank manager has two students at Montessori, one of which will be in my 6th grade class next year. Our next step of proving our love 'immigration style' will be to change the title of Pako's car so that both our names appear. Now, that might not seem romantic to most of you, but if you knew how Pako was about his car, you'd understand that he'd truly have to love someone to legally share ownership! By the by, should any of you ever get the urge to deposit money into our account, feel free, Bank of America is our US affiliate! ;)

Pako had a heck of a sports week. He played with his Sol team (scored the game-winning goal in his new cleats - from me, thus clearly giving me all credit for the game) on Monday and then sometime Wednesday his ankle swelled up and started to ache. Also, he snapped his new surfboard in two. He loves doing that. I tried to take a picture, but he wouldn't let me - it was too sad to document. We went to a man, who lives on a farm/roof tile factory out in a little pueblo named Coacuyul. He not only makes tiles (and trains packs of dogs from the looks of the place), but he rubs joints. Not joints as in marijuana, that would be illegal and who rubs a joint, anyway? No, joints as it where your bones meet. Anywho, he's pretty famous and had rubbed Pako's ankle before, so Pako knew what to expect. Apparently it's extremely painful as the man rubs your sore joints and flexes your limbs, but worth it. Pako went on Friday evening and Friday night his ankle had returned to normal size and he was running after Tekila like a kid again. Go figure.

I think that's it for today, unless anyone would like to enter into a political debate? No? No one?
Ok, that's it then. I took a picture of the morning because the burning of the hills to ready the fields for planting has ceased and my eyes no longer burn and not everything in my apartment smells of smoke, it's finally clear and I can see the ocean again! Hope things wherever you are are going well! Talk to you soon! OHMIGOSH! I can't believe I forgot the most important part of my week: Comercial Mexicana stocked Tollhouse Ready-Made cookie dough and I bought it! Chocolate chip yummy to be had at my apartment! YAY! :)

Adios and hasta la pasta!


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