Sunday, February 14, 2010

Feb 7-14 - Happy Valentine's Day!

Hello Blog Readers!

This entire entry will be from my point of view as my guest commentator couldn’t keep his bitter comments to himself. The truth is, he misses being a dog owner and it’s never more evident as when he’s in the presence of my little dog, Tekila. Though he talks tough, he can be found scratching the dog behind it’s ears, letting him rest his tired little head on his lap and EVEN giving Tekila food off of his own plate. I’m including two pictures of my poor baby, demonstrating his dedication and love for his owner(s). The first is a picture of him waiting, faithfully, at the door for Pako to return from the store. The second is Teki helping me plan my lessons. No matter what other, more negative people might say, he is an amusing, loving pet (most of the time) and he makes everyone laugh, including one Brett Favre’s Brother.

This week went by entirely too fast (in the view that my parents have already spent 2 weeks here and only have 2 more) and just fast enough (when considering that my beloved Louise shows up tomorrow – Monday, Feb 15th, and there were a lot of ups and downs at Montessori, as usual).

Superbowl Sunday was as enjoyable as ever if not more so! I was thoroughly pleased with the outcome and I made it through the whole game without saying 'Who Dat'... I can't say the same for my father. We watched the game at our usual haunt, La Perla Restaurant on La Ropa Beach. Open air is really the only way to go when you're looking for an idyllic place to watch the game! Pako and my mom even joined us and (seemed to) enjoy themselves. The broadcast was a CBS stream from Seattle, so we even got to enjoy the commercials, though they were mediocre at best this year. Go Saints, yay New Orleans, take THAT Manning!

Somehow my father and I have both managed to catch a cold. Irony at it’s best: living in 87 degrees and catching a COLD. My boss has also been sick for awhile and missed 3 days of school this week. It was weird not to have her popping her head in my class, but also kind of nice. I hadn’t notice the tension that is inevitably felt when you know that any minute you could be observed, but its absence was quite noticeable. I think my kids noticed it too. In that aspect, it was a good week. We worked together and my 6th and 7th graders reviewed for their test, took oral exams and the written exam. My high schoolers and I had some fun getting back into the swing of things.

There was the usual conflict between the English department and the administration as they kept interrupting English classes to practice for the anniversary celebration, which happened on Friday. The kindergarten, elementary and middle school all sang ‘Love is in the Air’ and ‘Vuela Vuela’ and marched around to “I got a Feeling.” For that, they needed 2 weeks of rehearsal (the 2 weeks leading right up to English exams, which had been mentioned at a meeting 3 weeks earlier when we requested that the exam be moved to avoid the problem…) Things worked themselves out, not without some frustration, but my students did well on their exams, so I was pleased. The anniversary event took on a kind of 'Fiesta de Musica' feel and the different grades performed coreographed dances to mostly English music. My 6th graders dressed up in poodle skirst and danced to Jailhouse Rock. It was fairly adorable. Brought me right back to my poodle skirt dance to Rock around the Clock performed with my 7th grade class.

Carnival was taking place in Zihua this week and we managed to make it to the very first 5 minutes of one event, the final parade. We saw one float and then had to go because Pako was planning to formally ask for my hand and so we had somewhere to be. The whole hand-asking went well and apparently Pako and I are just now officially engaged. Silly me, I thought we got engaged last April. After Pako’s big moment was over, the newly joined family sang ‘Las Mañanitas’ to Petra, whose birthday was January 28th and then a whole slew of family members came down to Lorena’s house and ate some delicious fish that my future father in law prepared and barbecued. The evening was quite fun and I was dragging by the end.

One day we went took a trip around Zihua in search of scenic views. Pako took us to some communities located super high up in the hills and we took a lot of pictures of the city. A lot of the community’s residents laughed at the crazy gringos taking pictures and smiled and waved. After driving up some seriously questionable roads and scraping the bottom of the car an alarming number of times, we drove to a reserve for crocodiles in Ixtapa. Everytime I see a croc up close (which is far too often, now that I’m thinking about it), I’m reminded of the fact that they are DINOSAURS! They’re so bizarre looking and have totally managed the intimidating-while-doing-nothing look.

I’m going backwards in time, but sometime at the beginning of the week (Monday or Tuesday), I had an interview at a Technical college here to possibly give English lessons in the evenings or on Saturday mornings. The job wouldn’t start until March (perfect timing for me) and would pay double my hourly at Montessori! I went and talked to one of the directors of the department and she was very nice. She showed me the room where I would be teaching and it looks a lot more like those that I learned in than the ones I teach in, totally technologically connected and it even has AIR CONDITIONING! I also took a look at the curriculum and it’s a pretty intensive course, but I like the books they work with and I would have a lot of resources to choose from. I won’t know anything for awhile, but it’s something to hope for!

Also, one of those days, who knows which one, Pako, Petra, MWC, BFB and I all went to the Super Circo that featured the Sacred all White Tigers from Russia! It was a pretty impressive little circus in that it had 9 full sized tigers, both Bengal and Siberian. Truth be told, I was really nervous the whole time the tigers were out and all because of Sigfreid and Roy! Luckily, my fears were baseless and the tigers performed their act without any surprises. There was also an amusing clown and some fairly impressive trapeze artists. You couldn’t have even gotten a soda at a circus in the states for the $20 pesos we paid to see the whole spectacle. There were Shetland ponies, bike-riding baboons, all the (unlicensed) Disney Princesses, and a foot juggler. Afterwards, we all went out for delicious pizza and Petra regaled my parents with amusing stories about Tekila (more testament to his overall goodness as a pet) and talked about how he helped her get rid of stress.

Ok, I apologize for all of the discombobulation of this blog, but my mind is on grades and LOUISE! Hope you all have a great week and stay warm!



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