Sunday, February 7, 2010

Special Guest Commentator: Brett Favre's Brother. Don't forget the note from the editor *ahem, moi* at the end.

Hi to all of Leah's faithful readers. She has asked me to be a guest blogger this week and to share my impressions of our first week in Zihua. So here goes.

I don't know where you live but it is probably unlikely that someone will come to your front door and ask if you would like to have your picture taken with a crocodile. This happened yesterday while we were visiting Pako's aunt. I guess I had never really contemplated having a picture of myself with a crocodile but when the opportunity arose I declined. I did this despite the photographer's assurances that there was no danger involved. Maybe I will rethink it and have it taken with Pat and have it made into our Xmas card for next year.

I know many of you are struggling with the cold and snow, especially those of you in the east, but let me take a few lines to complain about the weather here. In the six previous trips we have taken to Zhiua we haven't seen or felt a drop of rain. In fact I can hardly remember a cloudy day. That all changed last Wednesday when 7.4 inches of rain fell and Thursday when another 6 or more came down. We were cooped up in our nice little apartment all day Thursday. Wednesday, Leah and Pako couldn't even visit as the streets between their apartment and ours were flooded. On Thursday Pako figured out a route that allowed he and Leah to come to our place without turning his car into a boat. The rain actually stopped long enough for us to walk downtown. We were in the Mexican version of the Dollar Store when it started to pour again, so we spent some extra time browsing the delights to be found for 12 pesos.

The rain continued but we were able to make it to a bus that slowly made it's way through the flooded streets and dropped us off in front of our apartment. The next day the weather went back to normal which is to say gloriously sunny and warm. A long time resident told Leah that he had seen it rain in February once in 27 years and that was a sprinkle that didn't last long. There is another day of rain forecast in the next 15 days. I think we can handle it if it materializes.

Pat and I have been eating well as Pako's sister has made us two very good meals and his father made us a good lunch one day. On Monday we are going to his aunt's house for lunch. All this and Pako's mother has been out of town this week visiting relatives in Acapulco and will return Monday. I suspect she too, will want to feed us. Everyone has been great and have given Pat and I an experience that would be hard to duplicate as tourists.

One of these nights we are going to a circus that has set up in town. This operation boasts both white and standard tigers, camels and there is a rumour that monkeys might also be involved. Years ago I saw a small circus in Mexico that featured acts that you won't find in your usual U.S. touring circus. There was a women who's entire act consisted of her smoking a cigarette with her foot. There was another guy who placed his feet on one chair and his head on another with a large rock placed on his belly. Then his assistant took a sledge hammer and broke the rock on his stomach. The last, and greatest act was a juggler who couldn't quite pull off his finale. He was throwing all these rings in the air and spinning around but just couldn't catch the last rings to complete the trick. However, in a show of determination on his part and patience and stoicism on the audience's part he was allowed about ten trys to complete his act. Unfortunately he never was able to do it so the ring announcer gave him an excellent send off and the show concluded. Talk about the greatest show on earth. I'm hoping this circus lives up to the standard I have come to expect. I'm not kidding. I find the standard circus pretty boring. These shows are unpredictable and somehow more human.

Finally I want to say something about Pako and Leah's dog. I think Pako's aunt summed it up when she declared the dog malo (bad). It is a delightful combination of paranoid and psychotic behavior. Luckily it is so small that it's more amusing than frightening. Someday something will end up eating the darn thing. Pako, Leah and Pako's mother love the beast so that's something in it's favor. Hey! I wonder if it would like to have it's picture taken with a crocodile?

Well so long. I suspect this is the last you will hear from me after Leah reads that last paragraph.

Editor's Note:

In defense of my dog... well... I NEVER said he was a good dog. In fact, numerous times, I've mentioned that he was NOT a good dog. But he's cute. And he does cute things. And he lives far away from most of you, so you may never get the chance to laugh at his psycho-neurosis. Your loss!

The weather here has been crazy! On Wednesday I woke up to rain water hitting my face, which is not entirely easy as I sleep in a place that is not easily accessible from the window. Nonetheless, the downpour found it's way to my face and up I got. I'm hoping that the craziness has tapered off (weatherwise - I don't expect Tequila's craziness to taper off any time soon) and that regular sunny, enviable Zihua weather is back to stay. It's been getting downright cold (63-65 degrees) at night and I'm just not used to be so chilly all the time... I moved to a different country to avoid that feeling, it'd be nice if the pressure systems and El NiƱo would oblige.

High school started again this week and though I was somewhat dreading their return, I'm happy to have them back. They're my oldest and most advanced students so I get to do a lot of cool activities with them. We're watching Forrest Gump on Fridays and discussion American pop culture references. I'm having more fun than most of them, but at least they seem to enjoy the movie. 7th graders remain 7th graders and I believe that is all that needs to be said about that.

Today is Superbowl Sunday and I'm pretty excited. We're installing ourselves at the beach/sports bar at about 2pm to secure a good table. I'm hoping for a good game and a Saints' win. There is just something about the Colts that grates on my nerves. I'm fairly certain it's Peyton Manning. I even like Eli Manning better and he beat the Packers in an NFC championship game a couple of years back (you remember, the other last minute, last chance Brett Favre interception in a clutch game?). Anywho, I will not now, nor ever say something as innane as 'who dat,' but I will be humming 'When the Saints Go Marching In.' I hate that this game marks the end of football season until September, but you can't have everything. I'm not going to focus all of my sports viewing and following attention on Badger Basketball. Go Big Red!

Alright, must get some grades done so I can give football my undivided attention later. Hope you're all having a fabulous week and not letting all that cold snow get you down!



PS. If you know my Grandma Carole, get your fudge orders for next Christmas in soon. I plan to order 48 kilos as it is THAT DELICIOUS!

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