2 weeks have gone by and remarkable few blogable things have happened and yet I managed to have more pics than usual (for such a dull period). It's because I got my camera fixed and so now I have the urge to take pictures of everything! I wish I was better at photography! I took it as an elective one year in high school and I really enjoyed the class, but I've since forgotten most of the stuff I learned (as with most of what I learned in high school...) Anywho, I'm happy to have my camera back in action (minus the flash, one step at a time) and so here we are with pics from the last two weeks.
School has been school, my 7th grade students have stolen my 'teacher's addition' of their book and thus are again on my shite list. The office has instructed me to fail them all. I hate to do that, but I also hate that someone stole my book and no one is fessing up even though I told them there were going to be serious consequences. Right now, I'm going to pass those who pass the final exam with a D and those who fail the exam will fail the month (we grade on a monthly basis in middle school - ugh). So that's annoying, but pretty par for course with 7th grade, it seems.
One day Pako and I had a mini picnic on the beach and all of a sudden we noticed a large group of people to our left and someone told us that a batch of baby sea turtles was hatching and the little guys were making their way down to the water. I was pretty pumped because I had never actually seen this happen before, though I've been in Mexico many times during Baby Sea Turtle season (official title of the season, btw). So I ran on over and took out my newly fixed camera and snapped away. Aren't they SUPER CUTE AND TOTALLY ADORABLE?
Yep, pretty darn cute if you ask me (and you did, by reading this blog). Sometimes the nests hold up to 60 eggs, which means there were a ton of these little guys roaming the sand. They've got some cool, innate radar system going on because no matter where you place them or how many times you pick them up and move them, they reorient themselves and continue to head straight for the water.
The BEST and BIGGEST thing to happen these last 2 weeks is that PAKO GOT A JOB!!! (I'm going a little overboard on the caps, I know, I'm stopping now). He is a security guard at the Holiday Inn in Ixtapa. After over a year of job searching and numerous false starts (ahem * sol * ahem), it just sort of fell in his lap. He checked the job website, noticed the job, dropped of an application on a Saturday morning, the said they'd call, they called, he had an interview, they asked him to come in for a tour of the facilities and he started the next day (Wednesday). His hours aren't the best (but they'll rotate shifts) and the uniform is anything but dapper, but we will take it. The extra income will be quite handy seeing as how we're throwing a big party coming up here in about 3.5 months and we'll both be insured (for the first time since I've been in Mexico).
Sunday we went to the beach early (which is interesting now that it drops down to the high 60s at night) and Pako surfed while I walked the beach. Apparently, lots of other people walk the beach in the early morning too. There were groups of 20+ people milling about and it was the busiest that I have EVER seen that particular beach - 7:30am on a Sunday - go figure. Here's Pako's favorite surfing shot which he says I have to include if I'm going to include the one of him in his uniform.
That's all for today, folks. I hope you're all safe from the snow and had no driving mishaps! See you in another 1 -2 weeks!
PS. Just for fun, a pic of Tekila in a "hat" Petra made him. He loves it, as you can see ;)
A love the little turtle :)
ReplyDeletecorrection: I not A...dang