It's Saturday night at 10:25pm and I am still hungover from last night's party. I'm not saying this to brag, I'm telling you all so that the next time I mention tequila you can remind me that the best response to tequila is a negative response. Ugh. My body hates me right now (I also hate me for my poor decisions). I have spent all of today regretting last night (even though I had a rocking good time - the next day is hardly worth it) and do not plan to repeat this experience. For future reference, I'm no longer accepting tequila shots (or any shot, really), free or otherwise.
I blame Canada. That's right, Canada. I'll explain. Last Saturday, Pako's friend, Dave, and his girlfriend arrived from Regina, Canada for a stay of 10 days in paradise. It was negative 40 degrees Celsius (which is exactly the same temperature as -40 Fahrenheit, I guess when it gets that cold, nobody really cares about conversion) when they left Canada, so Zihua really was a nice change. Dave and his family used to come to Las Urracas and so Pako and he have been friends for a long time, but hadn't seen each other for over 8 years before a week ago. They've both been pleased as punch to hang out together as adults. It's been pretty cute to see, actually. Anywho, I digress. It's cold a good chunk of the year where they come from so, as Dave tells me, they drink to keep warm. I am familiar with this strategy as I did go to the University of Madison (GO BADGERS!). Which means that Dave can hold his liquor. Well, as you know, it's fairly warm in Zihua and so drinking is less necessary when it comes to body temperature regulations. Thursday was Pako's birthday (more on that later) and so on Friday night, Dave, his girlfriend, Melissa, Pako and I went out to celebrate. Dave bought us a lot of tequila shots (Pako didn't imbibe, he drove and also, doesn't hardly drink anything - leaving us foreigners to make complete asses of themselves). Nobody danced on tables or anything, but my world was definitely spinning. Ugh ugh ugh. Do not try this at home (or at the bar, or the beach or anywhere, really). I used to go to Madison, the #1 party school in the US... how is it that I can't hang anymore? Now, Dave did not force me to drink anything, hence my earlier mention of my poor choices, but at the very least he was an enabler (who turns down a free drink?) and it all started because it's cold in Canada.

When Pako picked me up from work on Friday, there was a tiny black lady chihuahua in the car with him and Tekila. Apparently, Petra had done some matchmaking and the lady chihuahua, Coli, was coming over to our house for a sleep over in hopes that one day, little Tekilas would spring forth unto the world. No dice. Tekila wasn't having it and spent a lot of time keeping Coli at bay with growls and nips. Coli, on the other hand, was all for puppy-making and whined when Tekila wouldn't let her near him. It was rather amusing and according to Petra, who is in cahoots with Coli's mom, there will be future rendezvous to see if Tekila lets his guard down. Coli was a very good house guest and is a super affectionate dog who likes to sit on people's laps. It was fun to have her around for the day, but I'm not terribly upset about Tekila's rejection of the set - up. We've got all the puppies we can handle right now (did I tell you guys in last blog that Mimi had puppies again? Well she did, there are 10 and they are adorable - as long as they stay at Lorena's house).
Here's Teki attempting to escape Coli's constant advances. About 30 seconds after this photo was taken, Teki bit Coli and jumped onto the bed to hide behind me. Aaah, puppy love ;)
10 little puppies and one tired mama!
Pako turned 25. He joined the quarter of a century club. He doesn't seem too worked up about it. Poor guy had to work 16 hours on his birthday (he worked the 11pm - 7am shift on Wed. night - Thurs. morning and then the 3-11pm shift on Thurs) so he didn't really celebrate on that day. I did make shrimp fried rice, on of his favorite meals, and gave him a jelly donut with a candle stuck in it. Not just any candle, this candle played "Las MaƱanitas" when it was lit! That candle was the highlight of his actual day of birth.
Earlier in the week - Tuesday - Eliseo made us octopus soup (sounds gross, is pretty yummy if you can get over the purple pieces of tentacle on your spoon), ceviche and tiritas! YUM!!! That was the pre-birthday celebration. Tomorrow Eliseo is making tacos and we're eating cake with the family (Bambi, another goofy Canadian, is part of the fam and he's partaking in the celebration tomorrow and bringing a cake!). I suppose that will be the post birthday celebration.
On Tuesday (before chowing down) we took Dave and Melissa surfing. Well, Pako took Dave surfing and Melissa and I sat on the beach and chatted over frappuchinos, an arrangement that suited everyone just fine. Dave gave it a real shot, but he couldn't get up. It's really hard work (so I'm told, I can barely swim with a surfboard) and requires a lot of upper body strength (something I lack completely). It also takes a compliant ocean and Dave, unfortunately, didn't have that part of the equation - the waves were small and not very strong (you want a wave strong enough to support you). They may go again on Monday, depending on who knows what.. I'll be working :(
The surf trip to Playa Linda in Ixtapa... Not such a bad place to spend the afternoon on a blanket in the sand! (Or playing in the waves, if that's your thing!)
School is ALMOST DONE for the year! My last day of classes is December 15th and then I don't go back until January 10th!!! WOOHOO!!! The only thing I'll miss is the paycheck. I love the kids, but chances are I'll run into many of them at least once over the break (hopefully not at the bars - wait a minute, I'm boycotting bars for a while - ok, hopefully not drinking on the beach) and I'll see them quite a bit once the school year picks up again. I will not miss the early mornings, the grading, the assignment/project/exam writing, the administrative difficulties, the administration, etc. I will be a happy camper, planning away so that the month of February entails very little work outside of the classroom for me and working with Lorena to finish up wedding details. I'm very, very excited for break. Very.
Also on Thursday was my absolute favorite holiday - Thanksgiving. Damn. I hate missing Thanksgiving. It's still the beginning of winter, so no one is totally sick of the temperature yet, time off school, DELICIOUS FOOD in ample quantities, family, football and of course, Black Friday. What is not to love? It was so depressing to be here when all my family and friends were celebrating at home. Did I mention I love thanksgiving? Sigh. Next year, maybe.
***OOH, mini earthquake! Small enough to not be scary and big enough to feel. It's so weird. I still can't get used to the world moving underneath me***
With that I'm going to close this and go take some ibuprofen and call it a (worthless) day. Tomorrow is the post birthday celebration and Lorena and I might check out some florists to get some prices for the wedding. OH - Pako and I picked a caterer, we sign the contract on Tuesday - WOOHOO! One less thing on the list!!! See you next week and...
Remember kids: Just say NO to tequila!
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