Hello Bloggers,
This Sunday’s entry will be somewhat shorter than usual (maybe, I always say that and then end up writing a novel) because now that I have internet at my apartment (haaaaalelujah), I’ve taken to writing mid-week mini-updates.
This week was fine at school, nothing extreme to report except that I had to calculate grades for my 6th and 7th graders about 8 times because the principal and secretaries could not decide how they wanted them formatted. If I had some sort of software to do this for me, no big deal, but alas, I am doomed to use a handheld calculator and work them out manually. Anywho, it’s done and over with so I’m not worrying about it anymore!
The other school news is that about 50% of my students have a cold or the flu (regular, not H1N1.. I hope) so teaching anything new has been a bit of a struggle. Plus I have been trying to stay about a foot and a half away from them all to avoid contact with their germy selves. AND I’ve been bathing in hand sanitizer. Nonetheless, my throat hurts and sometimes I think I have a fever (but who can tell in this ridiculous climate!). Don’t worry mom, I’m resting and drinking lots of fluids.
Lazy weekend. Walked around Ixtapa with the pup on Friday evening and we got lost in one of the neighborhoods. All of a sudden we turned the corner and there was a horse! Just hanging out, munching on some grass. Not the kind of thing you normally see

As I was planning for next week’s lessons, I really started to miss the good old public libraries of MN (shout out Dee!). I was talking about extreme weather with my oldest students and wanted to show Twister and I wanted to find some good textless books for my younger students to write about. The public library is pretty pathetic here and there is no English section, so I can’t rely on it for any resources. I know my trips home will consist of me scouring second hand stores and garage sales for appropriate English supplementary materials! Plus I like just going to the lib and browsing for a book to read! I’m currently reading a novel called Snow by Orphan Pamuk, but I’m about 100 pages in and have not really gotten into yet. I just finished North River by Pete Hamil which also took a long time to get into, but I liked in the end.
Alright, visitors have arrived and I’m still in my pajamas (typical Sunday behavior), so I’m signing off. I’m keeping up on the Packers score online and by the periodic updates aired on the CBS streamed Pittsburgh game. Currently it’s GB 26, Detroit 0. Now that’s what I like. Pity that wasn’t the score two weeks ago… Have a great week and I promise to check any comments anyone might feel like leaving :)
Saludos y besos y abrazos y todo!
PS. Going to the Immigration office on Thursday… wish me luck!
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