Saludos Americanos,
For some reason I feel like I have a lot to report, but I’m just not sure what it is… I know I have to talk about immigration and there’s United Nations Day, but what else? That was a rhetorical question as none of you actually have any idea what else. The dog pic is just for fun. Well, anywho, here goes:
On Thursday we (me, Pako and his cousin, Yair) had an “appointment” (you’ll understand the reason for the quotation marks in just a second) with an immigration officer that was set up by a friend of a friend of Yair’s. Still following? So the friend of the friend is a harbor master and he told us that a cruise ship was arriving and that immigration would be getting on the boat before everyone could de-board and visit lovely Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo. Our plan was to meet with one of the head haunchos after they got off the boat. We were told that the boat got in at 8, so we should be there around 8:30. We got there early and waited and waited. The ship didn’t arrive until about 9:30 and the immigration people were not even at the pier yet. The harbor master/friend of a friend told us to come back at 11. We came back and witnessed la migra boarding the boat, so we knew we were in for another long wait.
** I will take a break in this narrative to relate an incredulous story. When we arrived at 8, we parked the car on a side street, directly behind a coke truck. As we walked to the pier, a rotund transit cop lifted a cord so we could walk under and continue on our way. When we came back at 9:45ish, neither the coke truck nor our car was anywhere to be found. We panicked immediately and then quickly conferenced about how much money we were all carrying in case there was need to bribe someone or pay for towing fees or, the most likely possibility, both. We go over to the same rotund cop who had watched us park and lifted the cord for us and inquired, somewhat frantically, about the car. He told us to relax and that our car was just 3 blocks away and that there was no charge for the towing. They had had to move the car because the buses that the copious cruisers would take to Ixtapa used that road and the car had been in the way. We couldn’t believe our luck, but walked the 3 blocks and sure enough, there was the car, in all of it’s 2005 Silver Dodge Stratus glory. We got a totally free lift and avoided copious fees and bribes! Score one for the day!
Back to immigration. After arriving at the pier for the second time (after having parked a fair distance away as to avoid possible bus routes), we sat down to wait again. It turned out to be pretty good people-watching though as all those who were de-boarding (de-boating?) had to walk right past us. Let me tell you, some weird people go on cruises. So we waited another hour and watched the goofy gringos until finally the friend of Yair’s friend ushered us in and introduced us to the medium boss of la migra (the big boss is out of town until Tuesday or Wednesday). He took a look at my 3 copies of my life story, made a few comments about necessary adjustments and some tax returns that the I needed from the school and told us everything looked good. He gave us his cell phone number and told us whom to ask for in the office and assured us that we were on our way. Apparently once I turn in all of the papers, the process should only take about 10 days. Score 2 for the day.
Friday was United Nations day at Montessori (and around the world, for that matter). My kids and I (all groups) did a reading about the function of the UN and I had the older ones research ongoing conflicts around the world. Then we had a discussion about what we can do as
This weekend was a lazy one, with two trips to the beach and two failed movie watching attempts. We tried to watch Inglorious Bastards, which we had bought at the local pirated dvd shop for $2.50 USD, but it was a Russian copy so all of the French and German was subtitled in Russian. Which is funny for about 10 minutes and then pretty annoying. Then we tried to watch Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, but it turns out it was bad (shocking, I know), so we only got through half (Pako was ready to quit after 10 minutes…). Sunday’s 2nd beach trip was amusing in that I happened upon a group of 5 of my 10th graders drinking tequila and beer while playing soccer right in front of Las Urracas, the hotel run by Pako’s father.
Now it’s Sunday night again and I have to quick check what I have planned for tomorrow and do my ironing, two things for which I have no motivation whatsoever. Just a typical Sunday night. I’ll get to it eventually. Right now I’m going to lay in front of a fan and eat chocolate from my lovely friend Chelsea… OH THAT’S RIGHT!!! This week I got the best surprise EVER! Turns out, the mailman does deliver packages to the apartment (we weren’t sure if that was the case) and I got one that was full of HALLOWEEN CHOCOLATE! Seriously, I get excited over normal mail, but one that comes with chocolate? Ooof! Thank you thank you Chessey, te adoro!

Ok, off to eat some more chocolate! Hasta la proxima entrada mis queridos amigos y parientes!
High fives and chest bumps,
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