People have asked about my life here, so I'm going to put some pics with captions, to give you a mini visual to help you understand my life here.
This is not actually what I do all day, but Pako wishes it was:
Here are my 11th graders when they surprised me with a cake for my birthday :) And to the left are some of my 10th graders (who have grown on me), working diligently... in our barren classroom:
Here I am reading a book in my living room and drinking in my daily 17 liters of water to combat the heat (this is the before color of our apartment):
Here is my freshly painted Robin's-Egg-Blue bedroom and livingroom. Inhabitants of the couches: Mother in Law, Petra, to the right and Pako, right in front of the TV:
Alright kiddies, that's all for now as I've run out of batteries and the mosquitoes are eating me up like I was a buffet dinner. More pictures soon, I promise! Tomorrow the Badgers take on the Gophers and Monday the Packers host the Queens... it's a big football weekend people! GO WISCO!
I loved reading about your adjustment to Mexican culture and cohabitation culture. The painting story was precious. That's just a young man's approach to home improvement! The color is great! Glad to hear your classes are going well.